166.1 Acres - Campbell County, Virginia

Tract A997 - SOLD

General Description

The 166.1 acre Airy Mont Farm Property  is located in Gladys, Virginia approximately 10 miles from Rustburg, VA. This tract has 90 acres of cropland consisting of prime soils Cecil Fine Sandy Loam and Turbeville sandy loam. The timber is made up of 35 acres of 8-10 yr Loblolly pine, 28 acres of clear cut and 12 acres of hardwood bottom-land. The property has a 1 acre pond that can be used for irrigation. The property has an Virginia Outdoors Easement that allows for agriculture business with improvements and timbering, also two homes with additional improvements. This is an excellent opportunity to own farm land in Campbell county.



Shown by appointment only.

Look for Advance Land and Timber signs.

Disclaimer: Property inspections shall be done during daylight hours. Seller and Advance Land and Timber, LLC in no way make any representations or warranties regarding the conditions of the property, including any and all access routes, and all persons entering upon the property do so at their own risk and accept said property “as-is” in its existing condition during such inspections. All persons entering upon the property assume all risks and liabilities and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Seller, its affiliates, officers, directors, managers, agents, representatives and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, injuries (including death) and damages resulting from any accident, incident, or occurrence arising out of, incidental to or in any way resulting from his or her inspection of the property or his or her exposure to the conditions of the property.