480 Acres - Calhoun County, Alabama

Tract A51 - SOLD

General Description

Gorgeous Southern Appalachian mountain views, high-grade, city-maintained paved road (just completed last year at a cost of over 1,000,000,) mature hardwood and pine timber (the majority of the timber has not been cut in 40 years).  Very convenient to modern amenities.  Jacksonville State University, restaurants, banks, police and fire station are within 1 mile, however, the property is in a world of its own...
Great 15 - 20 acre lake site on the northeastern section.  Deer, turkey, small game hunting.
A recent survey has been completed on the property and title insurance is available.


Just 70 miles West of Atlanta, 60 miles East of Birmingham and 13 miles North of Anniston, Alabama.  The property is within the Jacksonville City Limits at the southwest entrance and borders the Talladega National Forest for over 1 mile on it's eastern boundary.
Shown by appointment.

Look for Advance Land and Timber signs.

Disclaimer: Property inspections shall be done during daylight hours. Seller and Advance Land and Timber, LLC in no way make any representations or warranties regarding the conditions of the property, including any and all access routes, and all persons entering upon the property do so at their own risk and accept said property “as-is” in its existing condition during such inspections. All persons entering upon the property assume all risks and liabilities and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Seller, its affiliates, officers, directors, managers, agents, representatives and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, injuries (including death) and damages resulting from any accident, incident, or occurrence arising out of, incidental to or in any way resulting from his or her inspection of the property or his or her exposure to the conditions of the property.