Greensville County Virginia Land for Sale
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Tract B191 Sea View Kistler
651 Acres
The Kistler Tract is 651 acres located north of Emporia on Allen Road (Rt 610) and Otterdam Road (Rt 614). This property lays flat to gentle rolling with the Otterdam swamp flowing through the eastern part of the property and high pine ridges consisting of excellent Slagle fine sandy, Emporia loamy and Fluvanna Mattaponi soils. This tract has great wildlife habitat, from the mature hardwood bottomlands to the multiple age Loblolly pine stands with good interior roads to access most of the property for timber management and hunting. The Kistler tract is a great timberland investment with strong recreational opportunities.

Tract B150 Azalea Comp 17-1
71 Acres
The 70.3-acre Azalea Comp 17-1 Tract is located 5 miles Soth East of Emporia on Brantley Moore Turnpike (Rt 676). This property lays flat with Mill Swamp making up the Western boundary and a good internal road system to access majority of the property. The timber consists of 9.9 acres of 2004 planted Loblolly pine and 43.4 acres of 1994 planted Loblolly pine; the remaining acreage is 17 ac of 1946 natural hardwood bottomland. This property has great habitat for deer, turkey and ducks making this property an excellent recreational and timber land investment.

Tract B151 Azalea Comp 17-2
107.38 Acres
The Comp 17-2 Tract is 107.38 acres located five miles South East of Emporia on Low Ground Rd (Rt 730).This parcel lays flat with a great all-weather interior road. The timber is 105.22 acres of 2008 planted Loblolly pine making this property an excellent timber land investment with only three more years left for the timber to become merchantable.

Tract 254-A Kistler
651.31 Acres
The Kistler Tract (651 acres) is located just North of Emporia, this property consists of 85% upland acres with over 300 acres of merchantable planted and natural pine and 237 acres of pine

Tract Block 13-1345
355 Acres
This 355 acre waterfront tract is located on the Nottoway River ten miles north of Emporia, VA. The tracts topography is gentle to rolling with a creek running through the property and approxima