Advance Outdoors

SC Turkey Hunting

Turkey season is here in South Carolina

It's that time of year, are you ready! Turkey season is here in South Carolina - Private lands statewide is March 20 - May 5 and WMB lands statewide is April 1 - May 5.   Points to remember:
If you have been feeding turkeys (corn or feeders) remember anything that can be construed as bait must be completely gone 10 days prior to the season opening. Don't hunt over bait!  Harvesting a turkey over bait is an 18 point violation and will cost you your license! (page 68, 2018-2019 SOUTH CAROLINA HUNTING & FISHING GUIDE or visit for complete rules and regulations.)
Don't forget to pick up turkey tags (they are free), just remember a license must be accompanied with tags. 
Take advantage of youth day! March 16 - 17 on private lands and March 30th on WMA lands.  Any hunter 17 and under can get a jump on the public before birds become call shy. Tags required (page 68, 2018-2019 SOUTH CAROLINA HUNTING & FISHING GUIDE or visit for complete rules and regulations.) Tags required. 
Remember Advance Land and Timber, LLC has numerous listings and Land for Sale with tremendous turkey hunting. 
Let us find you your turkey hunting paradise and put this bird on your wall! 

outdoor enthusiasts everywhere!

This page is dedicated not only to family, clients, and friends of Advance Land and Timber, but to outdoor enthusiasts everywhere! We at Advance take pride in bringing recreational tracts to the public. Our goal is that every tract we sell becomes an experience of a lifetime. We are fortunate to live in a country that allows us to travel at will and freely experience the gifts and creations with which we have been blessed. These pictures and stories represent the successes and experiences of dedicated outdoorsmen. If you have an interesting picture and story that you think others would enjoy, send it in! If we post it on our website, you will receive an Advance Land and Timber hat for your time. Good luck! We look forward to hearing from you!


Lake Murray black bass

Lake Murray black bass

Wow what a catch! Over 9 lbs, Lake Murray black bass, caught by Advance agent, Mark Kiser. Mark has had tremendous success from early light to around 7:30 using a zara spook lure. He also caught a number of striped bass, along with largemouth bass.


Fairfield County Deer Hutning

Fairfield County, 2013

Wesley Robertson, Fairfield County, 2013


Deer Hunting SC

Fairfield County, 2013

Wesley Robertson, Fairfield County, 2013


Fairfield deer hunters

Fairfield County, 2013

Wesley Robertson, Fairfield County, 2013


Sha and Whitley Robertson

Fairfield County, 2013

Sha and Whitley Robertson, Fairfield County, 2013


Adam Barnes Turkey Hunt

Saluda County, 2014

Adam Barnes, Saluda County, 2014


Large mouth bass Lake Murray

Large mouth bass on Lake Murray, SC

Cole McMillan and Robert (Chip) McMillan caught a nice string of large mouth bass on Lake Murray, SC


Fairfield Deer

Fairfield County, 2013

Fairfield County, 2013
The next State Record Buck comes from Fairfield County?


Fairfield County Deer tracks

Fairfield County 2014

Fairfield County 2014


Fairfield Owl

Cute Visitor in Fairfield County

Baby Owl, Fairfield County
